The 24 Hour
Startup Challenge

175 #24hrstartups were launched on November 17, 2018.

Make more sales, gain followers, and automatically share items on Poshmark
Use rate-limited APIs from the browser without limitation. Goodbye backend! 🛡👋

163 makers livestreamed a #24hrstartup

Pivoting - Pivoting
Topic Based Keyword Research Tool - Find the missing topics in your content
SeizureBlocker - Disable GIFs that may cause an epileptic seizure
Like X but for Y - Website That Pokes Fun At Copycat Startups
Gateproof - Find all the issues of any smartphone in one place
Poker Tools - Poker Tools on iOS & Android App
Trackly - Track your Product Hunt launch in Telegram
GetFunded - Raise investor funding like a pro.

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